martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013

How travel keeps you feeling young - free and happy.

We all love things that make us feel young (or remember our youth), feel free and be happy. Traveling is almost always in the top 10 – even if only to an old neighborhood where we once lived. Why?

Reasons to travel the world1. Traveling opens up our world.

In today's world, where emails and smart phones often replace face-to-face interaction, traveling makes us get out and connect with humanity. Traveling changes our scenery. When we travel, we leave our daily routine and see new things which stimulate our mind and encourage creative energy.

2. Traveling teaches us to relax.
Whether we want to or not at first, we have to chill out to really enjoy traveling. Traveling for pleasure rejuvenates us physically and mentally so we can return to our daily routine with more energy and patience. Taking a break from our routine – work, school, daily to-dos of parenthood, household chores, etc. – refreshes our mind and gives us the freedom we need to renew.

Travel does the heart good3. Traveling makes us active both physically and mentally.

Traveling by its very nature makes us move. Whether we're exploring a museum, walking the streets of an ancient capital, shopping in a bazaar, hiking in the woods, or simply lying on a sunny beach in Costa Rica, we are being active. New places may make us want to try new activities … ziplining or waterfall rappelling, anyone? Besides being good for our bodies, physical exercise is also good for our brains. Mental stimulation, especially languages, improves brain function and protects against age-related losses in memory or motor skills. In other words, "use it or lose it."

4. Traveling helps us to discover new things.
Traveling is education through experience. Travel brings to life things books only describe, no matter how well. When we travel, we learn there are many different ways of thinking and that other people have their own customs of living and doing things that work equally just as well. Traveling the globe makes us lifelong learners.

Traveling helps you make friends5. Traveling brings humility and connection.
Travel teaches humility. When we travel, we are often at the mercy of needing help from others. A kind, open, humble attitude gets us much farther than nastiness and arrogance. As we travel more, we learn that language, customs and exterior differences aside, that people share the same basic desires and concerns. We start to see that the world is both a big and small place, and how interconnected we all really are.

6. Traveling teaches appreciation – for home, loved ones, good food, good company, beautiful sights, art, music, freedom, your blessings … and the list is endless.

Santa Teresa, Nicoya Peninsula, Costa RicaTravel to Santa Teresa Beach, Costa Rica
The laid-back beach town of Santa Teresa is near the southern tip of the Nicoya Peninsula on Costa Rica's Pacific Coast. Mal Pais, Playa Carmen, Santa Teresa and Playa Hermosa – once secret hideaways for surfers and backpackers are now popular beaches sprinkled with eco-lodges, beach bungalows and upscale luxury boutique hotels. Yet, this multinational paradise with world-class surf breaks remains off-the-beaten path.

Pranamar Oceanfront Villas & Yoga Retreat is a relaxing oasis on the beach at Santa Teresa, with elaborate oceanfront villas and tropical bungalows in lush tropical gardens. Designed in exotic Bali-style, the luxury boutique hotel gives daily in-house yoga classes, and all-inclusive yoga vacations and surfing holidays.

Article by Shannon Farley

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